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March 7, 2022

Which Vasopressor and When? with Tina Vinsant from Good Nurse Bad Nurse

Which Vasopressor and When? with Tina Vinsant from Good Nurse Bad Nurse

Tina Vinsant, RN, host of the podcast Good Nurse Bad Nurse, joins us for a run through of all the major vasoactive agents given in the hospital. We minimized the jargon and maximized on practical cases, so join us for a memorable discussion of this fundamental subject.

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  • AKA: Neosynephrine, “Neo”
  • Pure α1 adrenergic agonist, increases SVR
  • Has no inotropic effect
  • What kind of patients do we see on this drip? Why?
    • Surgical patients being treated for anesthesia associated hypotension
    • Neurogenic shock, usually spinal cord injury
  • Notable SE: reflexive bradycardia
  • Drug interactions
    • MAOIs, tricyclic antidepressants, linezolid (enhanced HTN effect)
    • Acetaminophen: may increase serum concentration of phenylephrine
    • Fentanyl – may decrease serum concentration of Fentanyl; onset effect of fentanyl may be delayed


  • AKA: Levophed, “Levo”, Norepi
  • α1, α2, β adrenergic agonist. Used for multifactorial problems, like sepsis
  • Vasoconstriction effects greater than inotropic and chronotropic effects, but inotropic effects can help some with CO
  • Extravasation can cause ischemic tissue necrosis/sloughing (tx: phentolamine)
  • Notable SE: Decreased splanchnic and renal flow
  • Do not administer in same line as bicarb
  • Drug interactions
    • MAOIs, SSRI/SNRI, Linezolid, tricyclic antidepressants (may enhance hypertensive effect)


  • AKA: Epi, Adrenalin
  • What kind of patients do we see on this drip? Why?
    • Anaphylaxis because it mimics our endogenous adrenalin
    • Adjunct to norepinephrine in septic shock
  • α1, α2, β1, β2 agonists: Increased SVR, inotropy and chronotropy
  • Notable SE: Can induce splanchnic (organs of the abdomen) flow, arrhythmia, Increases lactate levels and blood glucose


  • AKA: Dopa
  • Primary impact
    • Low dose: Increased inotropy and heart rate
    • Higher dose: Increased SVR and inotropy
  • Notable SE: Tachyarrhythmias
  • Drug interactions: MAOIs, Linezolid, SSRI/SNRI, tricyclic antidepressants (enhanced hypertensive effect)


  • Positive lusitropic (myocardial relaxation), inotropic (contractility), & chronotropic (heart rate) effects
  • Tachyphylaxis w/ infusions > 72 hrs (diminishing effect of drug despite increasing dosage)
  • Can cause vasodilation
  • Minimal alpha effects
  • Decreases SVRIncreases CO
  • Most commonly used for severe HF and cardiogenic shock


  • What kind of patients do we see on this drip? Why?
    • Advanced HF
    • Bridge therapy
    • Palliative
  • Does not work on adrenergic receptors
  • Phosphodiesterase III inhibitor.  Phosphodiesterase III is present in the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum, smooth muscle in arteries and veins. 
  • Positive inotropy, positive lusitropy, and vasodilation
  • Similar to dobutamine with few SE


  • This drug is not vasoactive drug – it increases BP by increasing blood volume
  • Vasopressin is indicated to increase blood pressure in adults in vasodilatory shock refractory to the application of fluids and catecholamines.


  • PO!
  • Midodrine is an alpha agonist and acts as a peripheral vasoconstrictor

Suggested Read

ALiEM: Choosing the right vasopressor agent in hypotension

Tina Vinsant, RN, host of the podcast Good Nurse Bad Nurse, joins us for a run through of all the major vasoactive agents given in the hospital. We minimized the jargon and maximized on practical cases, so join us for a memorable discussion of this fundamental subject.

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Up My Nursing Game is partnering with VCU Health Continuing Education to offer FREE continuing education credits for registered nurses. Click here to obtain nursing credit (1.00).

See the show notes at upmynursinggame.com.