Today, ICU patients seem to become sicker and more sedated. Sedation medications, such as Propofol, have become more accessible and can be hung up and left on a drip all day. Heidi Engel, PT, DPT argues that less sedation and more mobilization should be thought of as important as taking medications. In this episode, we discuss how nurses can play a crucial role in mobilizing our patients both in the ICU and on the floor.
Up My Nursing Game is partnering with VCU Health Continuing Education to offer FREE continuing education credits for registered nurses. Click here to obtain nursing credit (1.00) or here for detailed instructions.
“I say to my students, when we get to the doorway the pt will have a panic attack and we have to help them pass that threshold of the doorway”
Heid Engel, PT, DPT
“There is no substitute for getting out of bed…There is no bed exercise that exist that can replicate being out of bed.”
Heidi Engel, PT, DPT
GOAL: We want to normalize activities and being out of bed as much as possible. Getting out of bed is imperative for maintaining mental and physical health
Inner Mountain Health in in Salt Lake City is an institution that is very aggressive about early mobilization. They have the longest running, most vigorous, mobility program in the country. Patients, ventilated or not, are out of bed and walking twice a day, while getting uninterrupted sleep throughout certain nightly hours. A very high percentage of their ICU patients are able to leave sooner and go straight home after their hospital stay. Here are articles that explain how an initiative encouraged early mobility for a shorter hospital stay.
“In my head, there’s a distinction between allowing a patient to be as independent as possible or to struggle, and empowering a patient. And our goal is to empower the patient. And our goal also is to always, always, always appreciate that our patient is an adult. And we want to to empower them but at the same time, we need to be able to assist them in and give them give them support and a sense of safety because of this vulnerable you know, we can position they’re in at the moment.”
Heidi Engle, PT, DPT
Caple C., Karakashian, AL. (2018). Range-of-Motion Exercises, Active: Teaching. Armenian American Medical Society of California. CINAHL Nursing Guide. Retrieved from
Taito, S., Shime, N., Yasuda, H., Ota, K., MD, Sarada, K., Lefor, A.K., Sanui, M. (2018) Out-of-bed mobilization of patients undergoing mechanical ventilation with orotracheal tubes: A survey study. Journal of Critical Care. 47:173-177. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2018.06.022
Woten M; Pravikoff D. (2018). Early Mobilization of Patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). CINAHL Nursing Guide, EBSCO Publishing, Evidence-Based Care Sheet, Database: Nursing Reference Center Plus. Retrieved from
Today, ICU patients seem to become sicker and more sedated. Sedation medications, such as Propofol, have become more accessible and can be hung up and left on a drip all day. Heidi Engel, PT, DPT argues that less sedation and more mobilization should be thought of as important as taking medications. In this episode, we discuss how nurses can play a crucial role in mobilizing our patients both in the ICU and on the floor.
Up My Nursing Game is partnering with VCU Health Continuing Education to offer FREE continuing education credits for registered nurses. Click here to obtain nursing credit (1.00).
Benefits of Early Mobilization:
When to Initiate Mobility?
We must advocate for our patients who develop anxiety regarding getting out of bed
Strategies for coaching patients through anxiety
What are some chair and standing exercises RNs can lead with our patients while we’re in the room?
GOAL: We want to normalize activities and being out of bed as much as possible. Getting out of bed is imperative for maintaining mental and physical health
Example of Early Mobility Initiative Success
Inner Mountain Health in in Salt Lake City is an institution that is very aggressive about early mobilization. They have the longest running, most vigorous, mobility program in the country. Patients, ventilated or not, are out of bed and walking twice a day, while getting uninterrupted sleep throughout certain nightly hours. A very high percentage of their ICU patients are able to leave sooner and go straight home after their hospital stay. Here are articles that explain how an initiative encouraged early mobility for a shorter hospital stay.
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